
video call in WhatsApp

How to share screen on video call in WhatsApp?

Shiv Bairwa

Video call in whatsapp is an internal part of the communication. People can connect with family, friends, and other relatives. ...

LinkedIn account

How do I make LinkedIn account effective?

Shiv Bairwa

An individual’s personal profile on the professional networking website known as LinkedIn is referred to as a LinkedIn account. You ...

Employer Brand on LinkedIn

How to Build Your Employer Brand on LinkedIn?

Shiv Bairwa

Employer branding affects business success by raising income, according to research. Any company or a customer would like to do ...

Elon Musk will launch TruthGPT

Now TruthGPT will be launched which will compete with ChatGPT and Google’s Bard – Elon MusK

Shiv Bairwa

Elon Musk has announced the launch of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform ‘TruthGPT‘. Through this, billionaire Elon Musk will also ...