यदि आपको भी iPhone हैकिंग का अलर्ट मिले तो अपने फ़ोन में तुरंत ऑन करें यह सेटिंग (iPhone hacking alert)

iPhone hacking alert

iPhone hacking alert- अभी हाल ही के कुछ दिनों से iPhone users के पास हैकिंग के अलर्ट मिल रहे हैं। और एप्पल ने भी एक ऐसा अलर्ट दिया था हालाँकि बाद में एप्पल से कहा की कंपनी की तरफ से ऐसा कोई अलर्ट नहीं भेजा गया हैं। अभी चुनावी माहौल में विपक्ष नेताओ को iPhone … Read more

How to reset  iPhone password ?

reset  iPhone password

Reset  iPhone password – Iphone is a smartphone made by the Apple company. It is a combination of laptop,  ipod, digital camera, and cellular phone, into one device. It is a touch screen interface. And it is a very secure android. You can easily reset iPhone password. Iphone  users can use these techniques very frequently. … Read more

How to Check mobile ip address?

Check IP Address of Your Mobile

Check mobile IP address- In today’s digital age, understanding the IP address of your mobile device has become necessary for several reasons. Your mobile’s IP address is a must-know if you want to troubleshoot network problems, or secure your connection, or access specific services. If you’re using an Android or iOS device, here are some … Read more

What is the difference between digital sim and physical sim ?

digital sim and physical sim

Difference between digital sim and physical sim – Nowadays everyone is following the new trend in the digital world. Whatever new trend is doing, people are starting to live their life according to that. And nowadays there is a big trend of e-sim too. And many people still do not know the difference between digital … Read more