Telegram is a cloud-based messaging app. That is available on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and desktop. That allows you to send messages, photos, videos, and files to other people. It’s similar to whatsapp. But it has more features like secret chats, self messages and ability to send large files also. It also allows you to create groups with up to 200,000 members and channels with an unlimited number of subscribers. Now Telegram new updates have arrived. Now you can set Telegram Stories like Instagram and WhatsApp. Telegram Stories is rolling out to those who have taken a premium subscription.

Telegram new updates, Telegram Stories is now available to selected users.
If you use Telegram then there is good news for you. The option to add stories on Telegram is now available to selected users. Let me tell you that the new feature like WhatsApp on Telegram is available only for premium users. The rate of Telegram Premium was earlier Rs 469 per month. But last year it was reduced to Rs 179 per month. For the price, premium users get to hold some interesting features including Stories.
know what are the benefits of telegram new updates.
With Telegram Stories, you can also confirm to whom you want to show your story. You can choose who can see your story. Although Telegram Stories are available to everyone, users will have to subscribe to the premium plan to post them. When users try to post a story, they will get an option to sign up for a premium subscription. Users can sign up and add their Telegram story. Only premium users will be able to use it now.You can update Telegram to Stories so that everyone can see your Stories, and users can send reactions and replies.
- Privacy :– Users will be able to explain their story in detail to the viewers. Users can also choose with whom they want to share their Telegram story. Users can also share their story with everyone or show their story to the selected contact. Or if they want, they can share his story with any one person.
- Compact UI :- Telegram Story also has the advantage that Telegram Story is shown at the very top of the chat, and the most important thing about it is that it does not take up much space.
- Flexibility :– By transferring them to the Hidden list, users can hide stories posted by contacts.
- Captions :– Users can add captions to the story as well as add it. Users can also tag other Telegram users in their stories.
- Dual camera support :– Users post the story using both their cameras, users much like the Be Real app.
- Telegram highlights:- Telegram stories also expire after 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours. But in this, like Instagram highlights, your telegram friend can see your Telegram story permanently on the profile page.
- contact members:- Premium users can apply the story differently. They can make their story even more interesting by including different animated stickers, polls and quizzes in their story. Whoever sees this user’s story can also reply through the poll on it. This will maintain their connection with the users and their contact members.
You can add your story by updating Telegram Premium. On which you can easily talk to each other. With the help of this feature, you can easily reply to your friends and family members on their stories. In this way users can enjoy the new feature.