How can a logo  brand design be used to create emotion and connect with consumers ?

logo  brand design

logo  brand design- In digital time most of the people purchase the branded item in comparison to the local items. The reason is that  sometimes they can emotionally connect with the brand. Brand is a  name, term, sign, symbol. The customer can easily recognise, memorable, recall the brand. Logo brand design can be utilised to … Read more

How brand names affect consumers ?

brand name

Brand names can be defined as a unique combination of name, term sign, symbol, logo, design. Through this every product can specify their  brand. It represents the overall identity and reputation of the brand. A brand goes with the tangible element such as personality, and sometimes the emotional connection established in the consumer mind.  If … Read more

How to analyze the consumer behavior?

Analyze the   consumer behavior

Analyze the   consumer behavior is the action and decision of the people. When they choose  the product to buy and then  use after that to dispose of the product or service. Some sociological, psychological, and cultural elements play a role in how consumers engage with the market. Understanding consumer behavior is very much important … Read more

कुसुम योजना के तहत सस्ते में लगवाएं सोलर पंप (How to apply for solar pump)

How to apply for solar pump – पीएम कुसुम योजना (PM Kusum Scheme ) का मतलब है, ‘प्रधानमंत्री किसान ऊर्जा सुरक्षा और उत्थान महाभियान’। यह योजना 2019 में नवीन और नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा मंत्रालय द्वारा शुरू की गई थी। फरवरी 2019 में, Economic मामलों की मंत्रिमंडलीय कमेटी ने इस योजना को लागू करने की मंजूरी दी … Read more

Instagram for Visual Storytelling:- How Instagram  is the Ultimate Platform for Visual Storytelling ?

Instagram for Visual Storytelling

Instagram is the most popular social media platform. Where nowadays all the youth are giving their time. Instagram is not only a source of entertainment but nowadays this has also become a source of income. Many people also promote their products or services here. To attract their Instagram followers and make them notice their product. … Read more

Best  20 Ecommerce Marketing Ideas to Boost Results

Ecommerce Marketing Ideas to Boost Results 2

Ecommerce is a method of buying and selling goods and services online.  The internet powers E Commerce. It  is a one way people buy and sell things in retail. Online payment and delivery in ecommerce. Consumers get the convenience of shopping from home. Consumer get more variety to purchase the product.  Sometimes  consumers get more … Read more

How is corporate social responsibility(csr) important for growth of a market ?

corporate social responsibility

CSR is a term where the company can take responsibility for society also. Along with its work, the company also takes social responsibility so that new changes occur in the society. Corporate social responsibility, also called corporate citizenship. The company can bring changes in the society including economic, social and environmental with CSR. Or it … Read more

How to set up  Google Analytics 4 ?

google analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 is also known as GA4. It is the latest version of Google analytics platform. In 2020 it will be introduced by google. Google Analytics 4 provides an advanced visualization for tracking and analyzing website and app data. It provides more flexibility as well as great features and better cross-platform insights. The property … Read more

The Importance of Mobile Optimization for Digital marketing

Mobile Optimization

Mobile Optimization has become a central aspect of digital marketing in today’s technologically advanced stage. Mobile devices have become an integral part of our activity. People are increasingly using their smartphones and tablets to access the internet, browse websites, and employ various online platforms. Mobile Optimization refers to the process of ensuring a website, app, … Read more

What is customer- Based Brand Equity

Based Brand Equity

Brand equity refers to the intangible value and reputation that a brand possesses in the minds of consumers. this represents the added value or advantage that a brand has over its competitors due to factors such as brand awareness, perceived quality, customer loyalty, and brand association. It encompasses the emotions, perception,  and experiences associated with … Read more